Politique de confidentialité

BIOGNOST believes protection of your personal data is very important. In this privacy note we would like to inform you about how we deal with personal data. We want our contacts to know protecting your personal data is our number one goal.

BIOGNOST is GDPR compliant and fully acts according to the Belgian constitution .

This means:

  • We only use your personal data for the aim we collected it for
  • These aims and specification of the collected personal data is explained further in this privacy declaration
  • We only use the personal data which are necessary to fulfill the aims for which your personal data was retrieved
  • We will at all times ask for your permission if we need your personal data for other goals
  • Your data will be protected in all Biognost systems and the necessary measures have been taken
  • We will NOT pass on personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for reaching the goal for which your personal data was retrieved
  • We are aware about your rights involving personal data, we would like to inform you about them, and we will respect them at all times

BIOGNOST is responsible for the collection and use of your personal data. If you have any further questions regarding your privacy or your personal data after reading this privacy declaration, you can always contact us by using the information underneath.

Waterven 11
B-8501 Heule

Tel.: +32 56 36 35 00
Fax: +32 56 35 33 97
E-mail: info@biognost.be

Why do we collect personal data

Your personal data were collected by BIOGNOST for the following goals:

to be able to participate the following activities of BIOGNOST:

  • To send informative mails
  • To send invoices, reminders, credit notes, structural adaptations, changes in prices, …
  • To send offers and contract proposals
  • To send invitations for seminars, workshops, trainings, company visits, …
  • To invite our contact person for a work-based conversation

For these actions we might need the following data: 

  • Identity data such as name and surname
  • Work – phone number
  • Work e-mail
  • Gender

We use the collected data ONLY for the aims, listed above.

In case you do not agree on the use of your personal data for the actions mentioned above, you have the right to require total removal of your data from our system. Anyhow we can ask the organization for a mail address for further necessarily communication,  such as invoices, delivery notes, etc.


Passing on data to third parties

Your personal data might be passed on to third parties if this might be necessary to be able to meet the upper mentioned goals:

We use third parties for:

  • ERP Software
  • Direct delivery of our goods/services by our suppliers
  • Transportation of the goods which were bought by you or the organization your represent

Of course we do check the compliance of these third parties in security of your personal data.

Furthermore we will never pass any data on to other parties with whom we do not have a contract.

Data may only be passed to these parties if this is required by you or your organization. In that case we will need a written permission and we will have to require a proof of your identity. You ‘ll have the chance to withdraw this permission at any time.


BIOGNOST declares not to collect any personal data of minors. We only have work-related contacts.

Retention of your personal data

BIOGNOST shall no longer keep your personal data than necessary for the aim it was legally collected for.

Personal data will be kept for a maximum of 5 years after the last contact, given that the data are still up to date, unless this was differently determined by law.

Protection of your personal data

We took the necessary measures to protect your personal data from unlawful use.:

  • All third parties who might have access to your personal data, are obliged to keep them secret from others. All suppliers have to dispose at least of a privacy note and are ought to be compliant to the GDPR.
  • We are handling usernames and passwords on all of our systems
  • We take regular back-ups from our data to be able to restore our systems in case of physical or technical disruptions
  • All of our collaborators are informed on the importance of the protection of personal data and shall regularly check their contact lists to keep them from data leaks and other errors.

In case of data leaks or steals of crucial personal data, all involved parties will be contacted. In case the data leak might cause personal damage to the person involved, the Privacy Commission will be contacted within a maximum of 72 hours.

Your rights when it comes to personal data

You have the right to request insight to your personal data, to correct them or even to permanently delete them from our systems. On the first page of this privacy statement you can find our contact information. Furthermore you can always contact us through our website www.biognost.be to send the due request. Biognost will send you your personal information maximum 30 days after receipt of your initial request.

You can also use the contact information above if you want to object the collection of your personal data by BIOGNOST or by one of our related third parties.

You also have the right to ask BIOGNOST to pass your personal data on to you or to another third party.  In that case we might need to ask you to legitimize before we can meet to your request.


If you might have a complaint about how we collect and keep your personal data, we kindly request you to directly contact us through the above contact information.

You may at all times file a complaint at the Belgian Privacy Commission, this is the executing authority when it comes to privacy protection.

BIOGNOST is a Belgian company with applications in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg and therefor follows the Belgian constitution for Privacy protection.

Changes in privacy statement

BIOGNOST has the right to change It’s privacy statement at all times.

The latest change to this privacy declaration was made on May 15th 2018.